Why The Golden Rule Is Golden

"And just as you want men to do to you,

you also do to them likewise." -Luke 6:31

Many believe the Golden Rule,

Is to do unto others what is done unto you.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

The truth of the matter is there is more to the plan,

And we ought to look further at what Jesus said to Man.

"Do good to those who hate you

Love your enemies and bless,

Pray for those who use you,

And give to everyone who asks.

Bless those who curse you,"

I know it sounds weak,

"To him who strikes you in your face,

To him you offer the other cheek."

Because if you love those who only love you,

What credit is that? That is what sinners do!

And if you only do good, to those who do good to you,

Then what is the difference? Sinners do, too!

What reward is there in heaven, when your only return,

Is to reward those you like and others you spurn?

For even sinners lend to sinners to receive as much back,

But you, lend to sinners, hoping to get nothing back.

I know this is not easy, and when we get to the core,

We have to be better because Jesus expects more.

“But love your enemies, do good, and lend

Hoping for nothing in return,” and then.

And then, Jesus said, after doing these things,

"How great is your reward, for your Father the King,

Is kind to the unthankful and to the evil, even more.

As your Father is merciful, be merciful therefore."

"Love your neighbor,” the Good Samaritan listened

He didn’t just act, he reacted like a Christian.

It is challenging and difficult, to say the least,

You see it really doesn’t matter what the world says of peace.

If we represent the world, the world can present the same.

But we represent the Kingdom, in Jesus’ Name.

A true Christian is not called to offend right back,

We have a world full of people who do all of that.

When it’s not very easy, that’s when it’s time to be true,

Time to follow the Golden Rule.

"The reason why it is golden,

Is because it is rare...." - Tony Chase



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