Let Me Declare My Dependence

The God of heaven, of earth and sky, and all things ever made,

Help us see who gets the fame, the glory and the accolades.

Help me humble my mind and soul, to declare to You my dependence,

Help me stop my sinning self, show mercy in my repentance.

For when I steal the fame of Your name, what is it to my glory

For I cannot forgive my sins or save myself from folly

Use Your servant as You see fit, I will go on any mission.

Lord, humble me; exalt Yourself, for this is my ambition

Here I am Lord… send me.

Long before You died for us, Your blood upon the cross,

Your hope and fame spread far and wide so no one would be lost.

To have us live a helpless life, is not what You had in store.

To hang our heads with no hope in our hearts,

Is not what You died for.

Take the light You put in me, plant it on the highest hill.

Let others see Your light in me. Shine Lord at Your will.

But let the glory stay with You and if by chance I shine,

Let me ever sing the praise of Your name,

For the glory is not mine.

The honor comes from serving You from watching Your spirit move,

As You stand in the gap for others, Your love already proved.

If being humble means, I will never see a stage,

Or have the world clap for me and ‘I’ be all the rage.

Then place me where You have me Lord, and let me live my days.

For wherever You place me is perfect,

And to You be all the praise.

Let me declare my dependence…


Never Forgetting A Moment


Morning’s Voice